Five Nines Blog

Five Nines Experts Sharing Actionable IT Advice

Defining Your IT Road Map

Preparation is an important part of any business, but when it comes to business technology preparation can make or break how your technical environment operates in the event of an...

Troubleshooting Tips: Don't Let Frustration Win

Running into a technical problem can be stressful, overwhelming, and a huge disruption to your workday. Don't be like this guy (thank you to our co-owner James, who provided this...

How To Combat Organizational Downtime

When it comes to workplace technology, the possibility of downtime is very real and has lasting impacts on organizations who experience it. Downtime is idle time within a business...

Hand-Held Hacking: Mobile Devices

Your mobile device holds your entire life: emails, messages, photos, social media accounts, etc. Because your phone is always in your hands, on your desk, or in your pocket, it's...

What Is Phishing?

We'd like to throw a quick statistic your way. According to KnowBe4, 91% of successful data breaches start with a Spear Phishing Attack. Why is this significant? This number...

How to Begin The Fight Against Cybercrime

Small to medium-sized businesses are consistently targets of cyber-attacks due to their size and underestimated security measures. According to the 2017 State of Cybersecurity in...

How Network Connectivity Impacts Your Business

Network connectivity has the potential to make or break your IT work environment. If your network connectivity is down, it can cause a severe halt in productivity. Here are three...

Traction - Get a Grip On Your Business

Do you have a grip on your business, or does your business have a grip on you? Miss the Nebraska Tech Summit? Based on the business strategy book Traction written by Gino Wickman,...

Your Risk Partner: Managed IT Organizations

To put it simply, risk can cost you… and it can cost you a lot. Unfortunately, risk will always be a factor when it comes to business technology. How you choose to eliminate...

Becoming Acquainted With Your Data Center

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Wrong. Your data center may be a behind-the-scenes tool, but it is one of the most important technical aspects of your organization. Here are a...