Five Nines Blog

Five Nines Experts Sharing Actionable IT Advice

Spam Filtering: Why It's Important And How It Works

Once spam hits your email inbox, you become a target. When it comes to technology, humans tend to be the weakest link in most IT security situations. Attackers will constantly try...

The Importance Of Securing Your Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi. It's a symbol that everyone recognizes, a term that most people are familiar with, yet many business' Wi-Fi networks are left unprotected and exposed. Securing your Wi-Fi...

Be Prepared To Fight Cybercrime With User Training

In the tech industry today, even the most reliable tools can be used against you. Five Nines has recently discovered phishing attempts that are in the form of an Office 365...

How To Combat Organizational Downtime

When it comes to workplace technology, the possibility of downtime is very real and has lasting impacts on organizations who experience it. Downtime is idle time within a business...

Hand-Held Hacking: Mobile Devices

Your mobile device holds your entire life: emails, messages, photos, social media accounts, etc. Because your phone is always in your hands, on your desk, or in your pocket, it's...

How to Begin The Fight Against Cybercrime

Small to medium-sized businesses are consistently targets of cyber-attacks due to their size and underestimated security measures. According to the 2017 State of Cybersecurity in...

Web Threat Defense - The Ultimate Protection

Surfing the web plays such a strong role in the daily lives of users, that it's almost uncomfortable to imagine life before it. As technology has advanced, so have its users,...

What You Need To Know About Next-Generation Firewall

There are so many components put into place to protect your organization on the technical side, it's difficult to differentiate between each one. So, when we talk about a...

3 Ways To Keep Your Business Email Account Safe

The most common way most business users share information with one another is through their work email addresses. Aside from sharing important information, business emails assist...

4 Technological Solutions That Will Change the Way You Work

Your computer keeps freezing. You can't make a phone call, and you have a meeting in an hour. You are locked out of your Outlook account. Have you ever run into technological...